Important Events

Eagles Are Here!

Friday, March 29, 2013

Baseball Cleats

Hey jammers! Today's items are baseball cleats: (member)
And AJHQ posted about 10 million jammers on AJ:
Hey jammers, this is a good time to tell you. I'm going away next Thursday-Saturday or Sunday so I won't be posting. I'm very sorry jammers but wish me the best on my vacation! -Blueclaw- (user:horseloveralm)

Thursday, March 28, 2013


LOTS of things to cover today happening on Animal Jam! First of all AJ has reached 10 MILLION PLAYERS! Enter the Code: 10million to get a limited-edition banner! If you don't know how, look at this picture:
Ok now to me! I sent in art and today I finally got it in Jammer Central! I got an artist plaque also:

So here is the newspaper:
I can't believe 10 Million! That's a lot. also AJHQ put banners up with tons of neat facts!
Spring Egg Hunt: I found all eight eggs it's so easy and fun
Spirit Armor: Members are going to <3 this item! (sorry nonmembers)
Stack up on gems for the next two weeks! AJHQ is making EVERY game double gems!
Sadly, koalas are leaving to go with cosmo to discover new lands! Only 2 weeks left to get a koala!
April Fools Party: Every item is strange here! It's the APRIL FOOLS PARTY!
Graham's joke contest: send your funniest joke into Jammer Central by APRIL 3RD!
Im curious to know what is going to happen in Jamaa! I guess i'll have to keep playing!
And lastly today's item! If you change the color it looks even more awesome!
-Blueclaw- (user:horseloveralm)

Monday, March 25, 2013

Rare Monday Lion Hat!

Hey jammers! Yeah I know I didn't post... But here is today's Monday Rare:
A little pricy right? I don't really like this item. Well AJHQ posted the winning Daily News Crew assignment on raccoons:
Im still working on getting my blog you know, out there. Well see ya in Jamaa! -Blueclaw-

Friday, March 22, 2013

Sorry Jammers!

Sorry for not posting! But, here is today's item:
AJHQ also posted about the Lucky Party:
No jammer art today, but here is a weird glitch:
Thanks for reading and jam on! Happy 3rd day of SPRING! -Blueclaw-

Friday, March 15, 2013

Clover Trident!

Hey jammers here is today's item the clover trident: (underwater+member)
Pretty cool right? Sorry nonmembers...

Ok so AJHQ posted about the ol' barn's return on the DE:
Click it to get a full picture or go to the Daily Explorer!

I was also on Snowyclaw's blog and found this glitch with name tags:
See the snow leopard icon? Weird right?

Also found a scammer:
And lastly our awesome jammer art:
Wonderful piece of art Crunchy SnowyFeet! -Blueclaw-

PS. might not be able to post tomorrow!

Thursday, March 14, 2013

Lucky Update!

Hey jammers today is a small update, nothing special but anyways here is today's new item:
The Clover Earmuffs! But I thought we were getting into spring...

Oh well... In other happy news I send AJHQ  a howl and they sent me this :) :
I had no idea you get something in return for sending in howls, I even got this:
Yay! Now I have two plaques for my den, I wish you got one for other things!

So here are some of the things in the Jamaa Journal:

Pretty cool right? The new toys look pretty awesome to me if you collect toys

Here is today's awesome jammer art by Little LoudClaws! Great Job Little

And AJHQ put some new art on the Daily Explorer:
Thanks for reading! Hope to see ya in Jamaa -Blueclaw-

Wednesday, March 13, 2013

Raccoon Statue and NEW PLUSHIES?

Hey jammers today's new item is a raccoon alpha statue named LaSalle (you know the guy right?)
named after a French explorer! Well here it is: (nonmember)
Isn't it cool I wonder what the Alpha will look like on AJ... Well I guess we all have to wait and see!

AJHQ made a new line of plushies but they haven't released them yet:
Aww.... aren't they just so cute? When they come out you can buy them in AJ Outfitters!

AJHQ also posted about the Epic Den Of The Week winner:

In my opinion the cluttered plushies on the ground take away from the Epic, but it's still cool

Lastly, we have today's awesome jammer art:
Great job Precious PrettyGirl! Check out more art on the DE and in Jamaa Central

That's it jammers, I wasn't on that long so I didn't find scammers.. See ya in Jamaa -Blueclaw-

Tuesday, March 12, 2013

Giant Raccoon Plushie

Hey jammers I don't have that much time today, but here is today's item located in the Conservation Museum: (nonmember)
I made my bunny look different! Isn't it cute but serious at the same time?
I was looking on Snowy Claw's blog (as usual) and came across this:
Weird that he could do a space! Ok so AJHQ posted about the Monday rare on the DE:
And there was another raccoon glitch on Snowy Claw's blog on raccoons:
AJHQ is lazy about checking these things, that's why they need our feedback I guess!
I found 2 scammers this very morning:

And lastly Awesome Jammer Art!:
Nice work Commander! Well that's it for today! See ya in Jamaa? -Blueclaw-
PS. my real user is horseloveralm if your wondering!

Monday, March 11, 2013

Underwater Monday Rare!

Hey jammers thins is today's new Monday rare: (Rare, underwater, nonmember)
Ok on the Daily Explorer this is the winning News Crew Article:
And I want to catch up on some new videos from both theaters in Jamaa:
And lastly, today's awesome jammer art:
It's so cute! Nice work Little PeachyBunny!