Important Events

Eagles Are Here!

Thursday, February 28, 2013


 The day is finally here! RACCOONS ARE FINALLY HERE! This member avatar (sorry nonmembers) is one of the cutest things in Jamaa!

Plus, the winner of the hat contest got their drawing in the update! Nice job Mighty Spiritwolf you won!

And say bye bye to winter and hello spring! The Lucky Day party is here in Jamaa to celebrate to joy!

And on the first day of March (wow it's already March!) members receive an adorable little artic wolf pet! And remember to collect all the Birds of Paradise!

Check out Brady's Lab they put an extension with a theater included!

PS. Members, pick up your monthly stone TODAY before it's gone!


Wednesday, February 27, 2013

Bird Poo?

Hey jammers sorry it's taking me longer to post... I didn't have the time! Well this is Today's Paradise Item Bird poop! How in Jamaa did they come up with this one?!

So these are today's scammers, got 2! They will be on the scammer page soon!

Ok, so this was on the Daily Explorer, it's about how to report jammers! If you don't know how please read by clicking on the words. By clicking on them you can see them up close.

And now for today's jammer art is by Blooming Magicmoon, Awesome job Blooming that's better than what I could do on a computer!

Lastly this is how to send in your own stuff to AJHQ it's very helpful.    -Blueclaw-

Tuesday, February 26, 2013

Paradise Banner!

Hey jammers! Today's new item is the Paradise Banner that you can find located in the Paradise Party! Still no raccoons, looks like AJHQ is being slow with the new update!

Also one of you (not saying) asked me how to stop bulling on Animal Jam. That includes scamming! So I was scanning around on the Daily Explorer and I found this video. (This is just a picture) It's about trading safely because some jammers get scammed when scammers trade them. So it's pretty cool.

Plus today's scammer of the day! She said send me a rare and you get something in return! What a scam!

And look at the mean note she sent me!

And here is today's awesome jammer art by Bouncing Roundgem! How cute is that panda?!

Well that's it for now jammers, see ya in Jamaa!        -Blueclaw-

Monday, February 25, 2013

Art & helmet

Hello  jammers, so far no new items in Jamaa :(. I don't have any news yet...

Ok now it's ready for today's wonderful jammer art!
This beautiful picture is by happy snowywolf! Great job!

Oh I just remember the Monday rare for today: ^ Pretty cool astronaut helmet!
 Also AJHQ posted about the news crew! They wrote an article on the Birds of Paradise Party in the Daily Explorer!

Also jammers, when will really wanted, epic rares come back to Jamaa? Some include the clouds, fox hat, spikes, ect. I wish we could still buy them!

So this is also on everyone's mind, when are raccoons coming? Plus will they be member or nonmember??? -Blueclaw-

Sunday, February 24, 2013

Underwater item

This is today's new underwater, member item! You can buy one in Sunken Treasures shop in Kani Cove. It's a bit pricey, but to me totally worth the gems.

Also in other news when I was on aj I saw yellow jammers AGAIN! They are still fighting to stop scamming! How cool is that? They are saying red is scamming, yellow is jamming!

Lastly, (maybe) this is today's jammer art, by Snowflake Prettyhorse. Great job! This art has an important message!


Spring is just right around the corner! If you didn't notice, The Epic Seasonal Tree has very tiny buds growing on it! That means spring is coming. What new items await in this new Jamaa Season? We just have to wait and see!
This is another bad jammer! Check out the scammer page to see others!

Saturday, February 23, 2013

Paradise Mat

Hey jammers today's item is the paradise mat! You can get it in the Paradise Party! I have 4 minutes to write and post! I put up the new art, it's by me! Check that out! Ok that's it for today, see ya in Jamaa!


Friday, February 22, 2013

Scam Alert

I said I would only post one more time but this is an emergency! pdimpas is a scammer! She said send me something and i'll send you a spike collar. We said wear it and prove it, she said i don't like to wear spike collars! What a scam! -Blueclaw-

Picture by Blueclaw 
Hey jammers this is today's last post! I was in Coral Canyons when I had an idea to draw a cat. And ta da! Hope you like it, I love it! Check Jammer Art page often to see other jammers art!


Sorry jammers

Jammers I have an announcement, I most likely won't have time to post tomorrow! I'm going to be busy and away for more than half of the day! I might, that's a might blog tomorrow but not as well as my regular posts. I'm sorry if your a jammer that counts on me but this is really important.



Hey jammers today's new item is the underwater sand castle. It's member as you can see and you can buy it at Sunken Treasures!

Today's jammer art is by Little Desertrose click it to get a bigger picture! -Blueclaw-

Thursday, February 21, 2013


So what's with the yellow? These jammers are standing up to put a stop to scamming! Wow I wish all jammers could do this!

Oh this is probably to late but if u are wondering what the lasso looks like this is it:

Lol i don't have enough gems because I just bought something! I have one already. Its blue one and looks totally cute on my horse!
Oh I changed my profile name to Blueclaw if you were confused!


Well sorry jammers! The rumor was raccoons would come out today, guess not :(~ They most likely are coming to Jamaa in the next update or so... I can't wait! Anyways my clan isn't going so well.... Eclipestar isn't going on much and me the deputy i don't know what to do!So of topic again i'm trying to get my blog out there because it's really bad now only 150 something views. Im the only one making it so its hard to get pics and good information. Do you guys like my blog? Give me some ideas. Well see ya in Jamaa!


Western Theme?

Hey jammers! Today's item is also western themed! It is a lasso that you wear as a back item. So if you are interested in western stuff check it out! i'm pretty sure its member. So that's all today! See ya!

Wednesday, February 20, 2013


No new items for today. I didn't check underwater but it seems there are no new things. Sorry jammers. Well i'm trying to get pics! Are you exited for the new raccoons coming on the next update? Well the update is on Thursday so check it out then! Hope it's nonmember so you guys can have a different animal to enjoy! Well that's it for today!