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Tuesday, April 9, 2013

Fences Are Back

Hey jammers! The new Wooden Fence is back in Jamaa:
Anyway, I made a storage account. I would highly recommend one because if you have to much inventory you can trade it to your storage account. And if you have a Monday rare that's not worth anything yet, put it in that account and it will be safe. Mine is XxblueclawxX.

Plus, I was on Snowyclaw's blog and found some glitches:
I wonder what this is? The longest word ever? See if it happens to you in a Gram.
So, i'm hearing rumors that if a moderator sees you doing something good for another jammer or just being kind you get this!

Also here are some pictures of jammers fighting against scamming:

Please, jammers let's get serious. Most of us have been scammed before or know someone who was. It's really hurting other jammers, and not just the one you scammed. Jammers might even want to quit AJ if you scam them. So if you see someone scamming, report, block, delete (if your buddies with them). And possibly write AJHQ a letter about this jammer. If you see someone being scammed help them, don't be a bystander. This is also helpful if a jammer is just getting bullied.
Scams include:

*Flash Trading
*Saying things like "Send me _____ and i'll give you _____!
*Let me borrow your _______
*Accept this trade and i'll send you the item
*Click right here for a second
*Give me your user and password and i will give you ________
*the first one to send me the best gift wins a my _______

There are WAY more scams out there. If I had to list everyone on AJ that got scammed I couldn't fit it into a post! Well just be safe. That's it for now! -Blueclaw- (user on AJ:horseloveralm)

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