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Tuesday, March 12, 2013

Giant Raccoon Plushie

Hey jammers I don't have that much time today, but here is today's item located in the Conservation Museum: (nonmember)
I made my bunny look different! Isn't it cute but serious at the same time?
I was looking on Snowy Claw's blog (as usual) and came across this:
Weird that he could do a space! Ok so AJHQ posted about the Monday rare on the DE:
And there was another raccoon glitch on Snowy Claw's blog on raccoons:
AJHQ is lazy about checking these things, that's why they need our feedback I guess!
I found 2 scammers this very morning:

And lastly Awesome Jammer Art!:
Nice work Commander! Well that's it for today! See ya in Jamaa? -Blueclaw-
PS. my real user is horseloveralm if your wondering!

1 comment:

  1. Sorry I'm on my laptop do for some weird reason it won't let me do my google account now... But keep up the good work
